Bolsa para ovillos

En el artículo anterior te contaba que estaba bordando nudos franceses. Ya puedo enseñartelos acabados. Son parte del bordado que llevan las fresitas que cuelgan de la cinta que he hecho para esta bolsa .
La cosa no tiene mucho misterio. Sólo hay que cortar dos círculos grandes de telas que hagan juego y coserlas por el revés.Previamente hay que hacer unas trabillas para sostener las anillas y que luego son colocadas antes de la costura. Luego sólo hay que darle la vuelta por una abertura que se haya dejado , rematar y planchar.

La tela de las fresas es una de esas que hace aguas en tonos azules y que me dio mi madre junto con otras , hace ya tiempo.

Para colocar la parte de arriba, elegí una de la colección de Garden Party de Blackbird.

Los hilos son de perlé del nº 5 y del 8. Un poco más abajo los puedes ver.

Y aunque la parte de las hojas es diferente, he echado un vistazo al montaje que he encontrado en la pag. de Martha

¿ Adivinas de qué están rellenas ? Se me ocurrió poner azúcar mezclada con algo de canela....... Así consigo que tengan algo de peso y también que huelan de maravilla.

Las anillas las conservo desde hace también algún tiempo. No recuerdo dónde las compré . No pesan porque están huecas y para este tipo de trabajo resultan genial . Un total de doce recorren la circurferencia .

Y si la abrimos con sólo deslizar la cinta hecha a juego.......

........ Puedo llevar dentro la labor y los ovillos que necesite.

Puedes sustituir el adorno de las fresas bordadas por otra cosa que te guste. En un rato puedes dejar esta bolsa acabada. Es fácil encontrar este tipo de accesorio por la red y quizá puedas añadir algo más.

Espero que te haya gustado.

Interior Design

Interior Design

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Interior Design

Interior Design Painting

How your home looks is as important as how to look outside. Sure you can argue all the people who look outside while only you, your family and your guests see on the inside. Since you are the only one who saw the inside, it should reflect your personality and be fun for everyone. That's where having an interior painting ideas right design is very useful. Everyone has their own individual sense of style and the way they imagine their homes. Paint is an inexpensive way to add personality and unique look to any wall or room in your home.

It can be difficult to choose the right way you want your interior walls appear. With all do it yourselfers out there today, there are many painting ideas interior design that has been modified to be easy for the average person to make. One of the most popular technique is sponge painting. By painting the walls the desired color is darker than your accent colors quickly and easily able to create a marble effect on the wall. Latex paint works best for this job. You may want to experiment with a sponge-sized and shaped differently on the surface of a single use, such as old wood, to know the effect you like best.

Interior Painting Ideas

Other than painting interior design ideas that are very popular today are forgeries. French and Italian old house full of examples of fake paintings. It consists of creating a work of art directly on the wall. You can select a window, a view of the classical landscape, or anything that interests you and you change your room. Unless you are very talented with paint and brush, may be worth the time and money to hire a professional or art student to do this for you.

One version of the faux painting you will not have trouble taking care of yourself are stencil painting. This technique is very good for bathrooms and kitchens, where the extreme conditions often interfere with wallpaper and to personalize the baby and kids' rooms. Paint is easy to cover when small children get older and want something different.

There are many other ideas painting interior designs to choose from if they do not appeal to you. Your local paint or home improvement store staff should be able to help you.

Interior Design Painting
Interior Design PaintingInterior Design Painting
Interior Design Painting
Interior Design Painting

Bedroom Design

Bedroom Design

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bedroom design
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 source: small bedroom design ideas
 the latest trend in bedroom design
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Ikea Nursery Ideas

Ikea Nursery Ideas

Ikea Nursery Ideas

Ikea Nursery Ideas The Saturday Question: How Did You Green Baby's Nursery
I love this room from IKEA, even though it's more of a kid's nursery idea
A Beautiful Nursery Made Up Of IKEA, Etsy and Thrifted Items
I love this room from IKEA
IKEA Nursery Repurposes Furniture and Makes Room for Baby
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